pp108 : Validate BusObject SOAP Request

Validate BusObject SOAP Request

This topic describes the Validate BusObject SOAP request.

A Validate BusObject SOAP request is meant to execute application logic in the backend, without updating the database immediately. Similar to the Update request, the Validate request is in XML and uses tuple old/new to pass objects. A Validate request requires its objects and attributes to be initialized, and to carry some constraints.

When the request is sent to WS-AppServer, it triggers a series of events. This is illustrated in the following figure.

WS-AppServer validates an object only when theqConstraintattribute for that object is set to "1". WS-AppServer analyses the information in the tuple/old and tuple/new tags for differences. If there are differences, then the constraint handlers for those elements are triggered. The different values forqConstraintare listed in the following table.

Table 1. qConstraint Values




Do not use the object but check only attributes which are enabled, and stop if error found.


Do not use the object but check only attributes which are enabled. However, do not stop if a constraint error is found.


Do use the object and stop at the first constraint error.


Use the object and check the constraints for all attributes. However, do not stop if a constraint error is found.

The Validate response would include the modifications in the object carried out by the event handlers, which apply to the object. Certain XML attributes are added to the XML node that are used to perform the validation. The following attributes can be returned:




Error message


Warning message


Information message


Determines whether a certain property is set as a result ofapplyDefaults. The possible values are "true" and "false" (default).
Note: This attribute is important for a next validation that uses applyDefaults. Only fields with
default='true' may be updated by applyDefaults.


Access level of the property. The possible values are 'edit' (default), 'read', and 'no'. The UI will adapt the form accordingly.

For further information on this SOAP API, refer to the WS-AppServer SDK.

Related reference

Working with SOAP Requests and Responses
Insert BusObject SOAP Request
Delete BusObject SOAP Request
Update BusObject SOAP Request
Query BusObject SOAP Request
Workflow of Aborting a Transaction
Workflow of Applying Constraints on BusObjects
Workflow of Applying Display Settings to BusObjects
Workflow of Applying Properties to BusObjects
Workflow of Initializing BusObjects
Initialization of Objects and Attributes
Constraint Logic on Objects and Attributes
Repetitive Validation